
Now, it fell out that he had occasion to speak with the King, and, in order to give himself an air of importance, he said: ‘I have a daughter who can spin gold out of straw.’

The King said to the Miller: ‘That is an art in which I am much interested. If your daughter is as skillful as you say she is, bring her to my castle to-morrow, and I will put her to the test.’

Accordingly, when the girl was brought to the castle, the King conducted her to a chamber which was quite full of straw, gave her a spinning-wheel and winder, and said, ‘Now, set to work, and if between to-night and to-morrow at dawn you have not spun this straw into gold you must die.’

There-upon he carefully locked the door of the chamber, and she remained alone.

There sat the unfortunate Miller’s daughter, and for the life of her did not know what to do.

She had not the least idea of how to spin straw into gold, and she became more and more distressed, until at last she began to weep.

Then all at once the door sprang open, and in stepped a little Mannikin, who said:
‘Good evening, Mistress Miller, what are you weeping so for?’

‘Alas!’ answered the Maiden, ‘I’ve got to spin gold out of straw, and I don’t know how to do it.’

Then the Mannikin said, ‘What will you give me if I spin it for you?’

‘My necklace,’ said the Maid.

The little Man took the necklace, sat down before the spinning-wheel, and whir—whir—whir, in a trice the reel was full.

Then he fixed another reel, and whir—whir—whir, thrice round, and that too was full; and so it went on until morning, when all the straw was spun and all the reels were full of gold.

Immediately at sunrise the King came, and when he saw the gold he was astonished and much pleased, but his mind became only the more avaricious.

So he had the Miller’s daughter taken to another chamber, larger than the former one, and full of straw, and he ordered her to spin it also in one night, as she valued her life.

The Maiden was at

her wit’s end, and began to weep.

Then again the door sprang open, and the little mannikin appeared…

‘What will you give me

✴︎ If I spin the straw into gold for you?’

—’The ring off my finger,’

answered the Maiden.

The little man took the ring, began to whir again at the wheel, and had by morning spun all the straw into gold.

The King was delighted at sight of the masses of gold, but was not even yet satisfied.

So he had the Miller’s Daughter taken to a still larger chamber, full of straw, and said, ‘This must you to-night spin into gold, but if you succeed you shall become my Queen.’

‘Even if she is only a Miller’s daughter,’ thought he, ‘I shan’t find a richer woman in the whole world.’

When the girl was alone the little Man came again, and said for the third time, ‘What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time?’
‘I have nothing more that I can give,’ answered the girl.
‘Well, promise me your first child if you become Queen.’
‘Who knows what may happen,’ thought the Miller’s daughter; but she did not see any other way of getting out of the difficulty, so she promised the little Man what he demanded, and in return he spun the straw into gold once more.

When the King came in the morning, and found everything as he had wished, he celebrated his marriage with her, and the Miller’s daughter became Queen.

The End

Isolde of the Gold Hands

Spinning Gold from Grassroots